
Practice and Non-attachement

Abhyasa and Vairagya are two of the most important foundations principles of Yoga. Abhyasa means practice and Vairagya means non-attachement. Balancing these two companions is a key to spiritual life, allowing one to pursue the subtler meditation practices.

Abhyasa involves cultivating a strong conviction, a persistent effort to constantly choose practices with actions, speech and thoughts that lead in the direction of a stable tranquility.

Vairagya involves learning to actively and systematically encounter, explore and let go of the many attachements, aversions, fears and false identities that are clouding the true Self.

They work together. Practice leads you in the right direction, while non-attachement allows you to continue the inner journey without getting sidetracked into the pains and pleasures along the way.

(Sutras, Patanjali)

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